24 Mar

Mikki Paek

Graphic Designer

Favorite book–now and when you were a kid?
Richard Scarry’s Busytown picture books! I might like them even more now as an adult.

First album or single you ever owned, how old were you and what was the appeal?
The first album I remember buying with my own money was Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise (RIP Coolio). I bought it as a birthday gift for my sister. Because it had a parental advisory sticker, I had to go buy it with my mom. I was pretty proud of my music selection/gift buying skills… now I want to dig through my parents’ garage to find that CD…

Favorite place in the world and why?
La Jolla Shores in San Diego. I went to school in San Diego and have a lot of fond memories from that time. Back then it was so easy to just stop by and hang out on the beach. One of the most memorable moments was when I saw my first bioluminescence during a red tide. It was like a scene out of Avatar. The waves and water would light up in this electric blue. It was out of this world.

List 5 items currently in your fridge?
2L Diet Coke
Trader Joe’s Kale Salad Mix
Large bottle of Sriracha
Jar of Kimchi